Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wk 4 Wimba

After sharing my paper with my peers I was pleased to see that they thought I had done a good job. I looked at their suggestions and went back and double checked my paper. I made corrections where they suggested. It was great to have their feedback, especially since I had been staring at it all week. It was nice to have outside sources point things out that were blending together for me. I am grateful that I had such a great group to work with. 

Picture form Jonny Hughes Back2Life Blog

From Jon:
Hey Daniela!

I really liked your introduction. You gave a great description of 21st century learners and you also have excellent thoughts here about student motivation. One thing though that I felt was missing was there could have been a little bit more of a connection to the title of your article, "Blogging Into Math". In the introduction, it really doesn't mention math or blogging. This might be what you intended, but it was just a thought that I had while reading it.

Your lit review section is very thorough. I think your organization of this part of the article is very strong.

I don't know if it would be allowed or not for the publication that you are submitting this to, but a chart might add a lot to your methodology section if it is possible.

Your conclusion is solid, but maybe you could have a different final sentence referring back to your main topic that would tie everything together a bit more.

Also, I know we are all in a time crunch, but if you can find a few extra minutes today it might be good to reread your article and look for some grammar errors. I noticed there was one in your very first sentence, and I think there were just a couple others later on.

I hope some of this feedback helps! You have a very good article here. Good luck with everything!

Picture from Alicia Welch Planting Seeds Blog   

From Alicia:
not all of the fonts are the same size and I think it might need to be in Times New Roman
the beginning paragraph is a little difficult to understand
and the methodology section should probably be rewritten in the past tense
overall..I think it looks good
thanks for sharing

 Wk 4 Publishing_Presenting_Project

Wk 4 Publishing_Presentation Project

As the sun sets on this chapter of my Master’s degree I am happy to say it has been a chapter worth writing about…Literally. After completing my CBR project I have learned so much through my research for my Lit Review as well and actually implementing my challenge with my students. I chose to write and submit my journey for publishing. I think this will be a great way to share with other teachers my journey and how it affected my students. I am excited to share my results and experience with other and see if I can make a change in they way they teach math!

Picture By Daniela Mitchell

PPP Document
Wk 3 Think Out Loud
Wk 2 Think Out Loud

Wk 4 Response

I love the way that you are making connection to this book. I feel the same way about it. I too like the "we" stories, as there is not point in pointing fingers. It never solves the problem. I like that as a WE every one feels a sense of responsibility. Thanks for sharing your experiences!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wk 4 Response

I completely agree with you, I couldn't have said it better myself. I feel like this book should be used to put the power back into each individuals hands in order for them to be successful!

Wk 4 The Art of Possibility

Microsoft Clip Art
After reading the last part of the Art of Possibility I think this is great book about being you. It starts by giving you ideas on how to be the best you can be. Including to it that you shouldn’t take yourself too seriously. Lastly leaving you with the thoughts that only you know what’s for you and that what works for other people may not be the best thing for you. While reading this book I thought about all the “kid” advice people give and how I always think….if you’re not coming over to help me do it the way you suggest and they way I do it works for me. Then I don’t care what the books say; I do what works for me! I think that this book really set the town of how you can be empowered to be the best you. You just have to be you!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wk 3 Think Out Loud

After giving it a lot of thought and reviewing which Journal my project would best fit, I have decided to send it for publication. I have chosen to submit my project to the Learning and Leading with Technology Journal. This journal ranges from 200 to 1,000 word articles that discuss ways to implement technology into the classroom. I think this would be a perfect way to share my project with people who are willing and wanting to use and implement technology into their own classroom. My project will help prepare students for all the upcoming changes to testing procedures that involve technology.

Wk 3 Wimba

The wimba archived this week was useful in giving me more information on what is expected of me for my presentation or publishing. I am still struggling with how I want to present mine CBR project, because both make me nervous. I am glad I was able to listen in on the same concerns others from previous months have had. I think it made me decide that I want to publish my paper, and maybe look at presenting it at a later date now that I will have the steps to doing so. Thanks for the help