Sunday, September 11, 2011

WK 2 Wimba

I am glad that wimba was a review of the chapter readings. I feel that I got a little more clarity, not nearly as clear as it could be. I still have concerns about material that we use in our classroom that we don’t ever realize are infringing on copy right laws. Playing a movie to supplement the curriculum is one of those that is a big stressor.  We can only change what we are aware that we are doing wrong. Having this information will make me that much more aware and able to correct what I do as well as inform other to what the copyright laws are.

I also found it interesting that the reason Prince changed his name was to get out of a contracts. How crazy! Here people have always thought that it was part of him just being eccentric. Who knew it was to get out of a contract? Can you do that… I guess celebrities do what they want anyways.

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