Saturday, February 26, 2011

ETC_Final Project

1.    Target Audience – A small enrichment/gifted group of 4th grade students, who work at or above grade level
2.    Materials – Computers and access to Glogster and other Internet based search engines, such as Google, Yahooligans, or Teacher Tube. Reference books.
3.    Objectives – *SS.4.A.3 Exploration and Settlement/ American History
                        Grade 4
  They students will use Glogster to demonstrate their knowledge   of Florida’s first city of St. Augustine.
·      They will apply their knowledge from their research to find important facts.
·      They will produce a digital poster
4.    Procedure –
·      Students will be given time to gather information. They will make trips to media center to check out reference books.
·      They will be given two; one hour blocks in the computer lab to pull up pictures and videos for their project. They may also work at home with their parents to research more images, videos and facts.
·      They will bring their pictures to class, or email them to the teacher.
·      The teacher will compile a folder on the shared drive that students can access with all the pictures.
·      Students will go to the computer lab and begin to design their individual digital poster.
·      It will take about a week to complete the posters.
·      At the end of the week the students will present their findings
5.    Web 2.0 Tool – Glogster- a web 2.0 tool that makes digital posters/multi-media presentation using images, text, and videos.
6.    Social Participation/Social Learning – The students will have to discuss the important aspects of St. Augustine. In small groups they will go over the facts that they have collected. They must discuss what places should be included and why. They will take a group vote on what is the most important information they have. Lastly the groups will share with each other why they feel these places are important part of St. Augustine. Once all the important locations are chosen, groups will draw slips with these locations. They will chose the most important facts or aspect to include on their posters.
7.    Making Connections – The students have been studying Florida history including it’s explores. They have now begun studying the actual construction of the fort as well as the history of the city. Students will be able to follow up their learning when we take a class field trip to St. Augustine at the end of March.
8.    Create/Produce – They will present their individual Glogster posters to the class and give an oral presentation on what they learned. This will include images, videos and facts on the different aspects of St Augustine.
9.    Assessment –
·      The class will complete a peer review in which the students will score each presentation using a set rubric.
·      The class will revisit the posters after the trip to St. Augustine and the students will evaluate how helpful the information was.
·      They will also decide what facts or information could be added to improve posters.
10. Reflection 
o   1) After we visit and tour St. Augustine we will have a class discussion on what they learned, how the Glogster posters helped them, and what information could be added to the poster to make them better for next year students.
o   (2) This activity did not go as planned this week. As discussed before my student’s are taking the FCAT on Tuesday and so I had revamp my plans. I did introduce the idea to the class. However I was only able to implement it with two students. I followed the plan on a much smaller scale. Instead of choosing individual location they pick locations base out of some library books I checked out. They collected different facts and created very different presentations. They were very excited about the web 2.0 tool and shared it with the class, and the are now very eager to get to use it…after Tuesday! I plan to go back and attempt this again. One of my students commented that he was “so excited to have found something better than power point,” he said his mom would by “super excited about something new” to do his projects on. I look forward to my second time around. I will keep you posted!

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