Sunday, February 13, 2011


Key Word Marker

This is like the Dewey Decimal system for libraries. The keyword tool allows you to mark your video with heading that let you know who or what is in the video. You can mark them with names or themes, such as Family or Daniela, and then search the clips with those key words. 

You can pull up all the clips that have Daniela in them or eliminate the clips which are associated with that tag. It’s like a short cut reference to who and what you want in the video. Makes editing easy and allows you to make tailored or individual moves out of long events.

 This is a great idea. I especially like that you can make the tags a short cut, in which you the select a clip press the number that is correlated to that tag and the clip is marked. This tool is great for keeping track of family videos and vacations.

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